Frequently Asked Question

Section 4: How to deactivate or remove a parent's account?
Last Updated 2 years ago

4.1: First of all, please click on the menu icon displayed on the upper-left corner of the screen.


4.2: Select the Guardians menu.


4.3: A list of guardians will then be displayed here on the page along with their personal details for reference purposes.

image Click on the “Edit” in the “Action” section to edit the parent’s details.


4.5: To terminate the service of a guardian, change his/her status to inactive and he/she will be automatically barred from logging into his/her CI App.


4.6: To delete the record of a guardian, go to “Action” and select “Remove” to remove his/her record. Please do note that removed records are not recoverable, hence please do proceed with caution.


7: After finishing all the necessary action to deactivate the parent’s account, tap on the “Save” button to save the process.


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