Frequently Asked Question

Section 11: How to solve if found children age is 0?
Last Updated 2 years ago

Sometimes when the CM Portal is facing some technical or system errors, the student’s age might be 0 in the Students panel.


11.1: In order to solve the age error, you need to edit the student’s age by clicking on the ‘Edit” button.


11.2: You are able to edit the student’s details on the subsequent page.


11.3: You can change the student’s age to the correct age by editing the “Date of Birth” on the edit page. First, click on the calendar of Date of Birth and it will display the calendar to the users.


11.4: You can select the month by clicking on the dropdown menu of the month. After that, you can choose the month that you want to.


11.5: After you have selected the month, you can click on the year to select the year that you want to.


11.6: After you have selected the month and year, you can choose the day that you want to set the correct age for the student.


11.7: After editing the age of the student, tap on the “Save” button to save the new age or “Close” to cancel the actions.


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