Frequently Asked Question

2.5.2: How to edit attendance history
Last Updated a year ago First of all, please click on the menu displayed on the upper-left corner of the screen.

image Click on the Students and then Attendance menu and select Daily, Monthly or VPLP, depending on the type of attendance that you wish to view.

image Student’s attendance will be displayed on the subsequent page. Click on the “search” icon below the “Action” section to edit the student’s attendance.

image The attendance history of the selected student will be displayed in a pop up window. Click on the “Edit” icon button to make changes on the attendance history.

image After clicking on the “Edit” button, you may edit the date, time, temperature, remarks and status of the attendance history.

image After editing the necessary details on the attendance history, click on the “Save” button to save the details or “Close” button to cancel the actions.


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