Frequently Asked Question

3.18 Overview NT Attendance History
Last Updated 7 months ago

3.18.1 Access main menu, Click on “Profile” menu to access NT Profile.

image NT Profile will be displayed , then tap on "Attendance History".


3.18.3 Attendance History will be displayed.

ADate rangeDisplay attendance record's date range.
BAttendance recordDisplay last attendance record of specify date.

3.18.4 Set your desired date and tap on Confirm.


3.18.5 Last attendance record history on the selected date will be displayed and selected one of the date record.


3.18.6 Attendance records history on the selected date will be displayed and tap on "View Detail" to view more detail of the record.


3.18.7 Detail of selected attendance record will be displayed.

ADateDisplay attendance date
BTimeDisplay attendance taken time.
CAttendance TypeIndicator of attendance type.
1.Green colour - Clock In
2.Yellow colour - Update Temperature
3.Red colour - Clock Out
DTemperatureDisplay temperature in celsius.
ELocationDisplay location.
FNotesDisplay notes of attendance record.
GAttendance imageDisplay attendance image of attendance record.
HOvertimeIndicator of overtime attendance record.
IWork from homeIndicator of work from home attendance record.

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