Frequently Asked Question

9. Health Declaration
Last Updated 3 years ago

9.1 When you log in for the first time every day, a questionnaire about your health status will be present and it is compulsory to answer the question to proceed to the app. If the page is unable to load, click on the refresh button on the top right corner to refresh the page.






Refresh Button

To refresh the web page.

9.2 After you have completed the questionnaire, click on the “Submit” button to submit the form. For more info, click on the bottom section and it will redirect you to the page you selected.


9.3 After the questionnaire has been submitted successfully, click on the “Ok” button to proceed to the app.


9.4 If you wish to update your covid-19 status, click on the side bar menu. Select “Covid-19 Status”.


9.5 Repeat the step from 9.2 to 9.3 to complete the questionnaire.

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