Frequently Asked Question

2.19 Vaccination Certificate Feature
Last Updated 10 months ago

2.19.1: First of all, please click on the menu displayed on the upper-left corner of the screen.


2.19.2 Click on the Health and expand, after click on the menu "Vaccinations"


2.19.3 After CI Uploaded Vaccination Certificate, system will auto flow into CM Portal.

AViewClick on the button, able to approval and view the uploaded certificate.
BStatusPending - is uploaded Vaccination Certificate for verify. On this stage MamaPapa App still not able to view the Vaccination Certificate.
Approved - is already approved and able to view in MamaPapa App.

2.19.4 After click on the "View", will access to Vaccination Page.

AChange StatusAble to change the status.
Pending - After CI uploaded and pending for verify.
Approved - After approved will show in MamaPapa App.
Reject - May rejected after photo is wrong.
BImage DisplayDisplay uploaded image.
CSave ButtonUpdate into our system.

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