Frequently Asked Question

4.4 Assessment (Student Portal)
Last Updated 6 months ago

  1. There are 2 types of Assessment:
    - Term Assessment: Twice per semester, schedules follow as per Term.
    - Semester Assessment: Once per semester (near end of semester).
  2. Unalike Exercise, Assessment:
    - has no level;
    - is accessible follow per schedule set instead of level;
    - only allows one submission;
    - result only viewable by Teacher and Principal Coach.
  3. To start for a Term Assessment, login to Eduquest, then go to the Sidebar and select a Subject > Term and will redirect to the Exercise and Notes landing page.
  4. At the Exercise and Notes landing page, scroll down to search for “Term Assessment”, click on it and you’ll be redirected to the Term Assessment Paper Detail page. Then click on the “Start” green button, and you can start the Term Assessment now.

While for Semester Assessment (only visible and accessible when the schedule starts), go to the Sidebar and search for “Semester Assessment”, then select a Subject. You will be redirected to the Semester Assessment landing page. Click on the “Start” green button, and you can start the Semester Assessment now.

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