Frequently Asked Question

4.2 Exercise (Centre Portal)
Last Updated 2 years ago

  1. There are 3 levels for Exercise: Easy, Medium, Hard (but some subjects may limit to only 1 level). For the centre portal, level of Exercise is not limited to condition; whereas at student portal, student is accessible only when the previous level has been completed.
  2. To start an Exercise, login to Eduquest, then go to the Sidebar and under section “Study Materials”, click on the Exercise then select a programme level.
  3. At Exercise listing page, you may filter the result by changing following options:




A. Title

Signify at the Exercises page.

A1. Programme level

Selected programme level for Exercises.

A2. Year

Select the Year of data you would like to view.

A3. Semester

Select the Semester of Exercises you would like to view.

A4. Subject

Filter Exercises by Subject.

A5. Term

Filter the Term of Exercises you would like to view.

A6. Exercise Level

Select an Exercise level: Easy, Medium, Hard, Exercise (when there’s one level for particular exercise and notes).

A7. Search

Click the “Search” button to submit the Search Exercise form.

A8. Show entries

Number of Exercises to be displayed per page: 10, 25, 50, 100.

A9. Filtered list

The list of exercises showed based on the filter.

A10. Ordering arrow

Click on the arrow icon to show the list of Exercises in ascending or descending order.

A11. View

Click to access the Exercise detail page.

A12. Showing entries

Showing between the number of total entries.

A13. Previous

Click the “Previous” button to show the previous page.

A14. Page number

Click on the page number to view a certain list of exercises.

A15. Next

Click the “Next” button to show the next page.

4. To start an exercise, click on the “View” button, it will redirect to the exercise detail page.


5. At the exercise detail page which consists of 2 section:
- Section A: “Start” button to get started for an exercise.
- Section B: CClick on the “ → ” icon, the page will show Result for the specific submission (of yours; for accessing all students’ reports please refer to the Report section).


6. For Section A, click on the “Start” button, and will redirect to the exercise paper page. You may start to do the exercise.

7. For Section B, results per exercise submission can be previewed. Please follow these steps:

Go to the “Result” section and click on the “ ” icon, the page will show Result for the specific submission now.

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