Frequently Asked Question

4.3 Assessment (Centre Portal)
Last Updated 2 years ago

  1. There are 2 types of Assessment:
    - Term Assessment: Twice per semester, schedules follow as per Term.
    - Semester Assessment: Once per semester (near end of semester).
  2. Unalike Exercise, Assessment:
    - has no level;
    - is accessible follow per schedule set instead of level;
    - allows multiple submissions for Teacher only;
    - result is inaccessible and viewable (Please view assessment result under Reports)
  3. To start an Assessment, login to Eduquest, then go to the Sidebar and under section “Study Materials”, click on the Assessment then select a programme level.
  4. At Assessment listing page, you may filter the Assessment by changing following options:




A. Assignment Type

There’s 2 types of Assessment: By Term, or by Semester.

B. Year

Select the Year of data you would like to view.

C. Semester

Select the Semester of Assessments you would like to view.

D. Term

Filter the Term of Assessments you would like to view.

E. Subject

Filter Assessments by Subject.

F. Search

Click the “Search” button to submit the Search Assessment form.

G. Show entries

Number of Assessment to be displayed per page: 10, 25, 50, 100.

H. View Button

Click to access the Assessment detail page.

5. Teachers are allowed to have multiple entries for assessment, but the result is only accessible in the Reporting module.

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