Frequently Asked Question

2.2: Management of Classrooms in CM Portal
Last Updated 5 months ago

2.2.1: First of all, please click on the menu icon displayed on the upper-left corner of the screen.


2.2.2: Select the menu “Class Room”.


2.2.3: In this page, you will be given the option to create, search as well as modify current classroom.


2.2.4: To create a new classroom, click on the “Create” button.


2.2.5: Please enter and complete the necessary fields below. The “Classroom Name” field would be the name of the new class, the "Programme Level" would determine the classroom programme level. "Class Type" is used to determine the student class type, the “Description” section would be the details of that specific class. While “Status” would determine whether the class is Active or Inactive. You can also remove the class room after create by using the "Action".


2.2.6: Click on the Save button to create a new classroom; or click on the close button to return to the previous page.


2.2.7: To modify a classroom record, click the “Edit” option located on the left side of each and every classroom record.


2.2.8: After clicking on the "Edit" button, you will be redirected to edit classroom page. Update accordingly, then click on the "Save" button.


2.2.9: To view a classroom details, click the “View” option located on the left side of each and every classroom record.


2.2.10: After clicking on the "View" button, you will be redirected to view classroom page. Inside view classroom page will have three parts which are the Classroom Info Instructor, Course Instructor and Students.


2.2.11: To search for existing classrooms, fill in the classroom name or description in the keywords field and click on the "Search" button.


2.2.12: To view classrooms based on current statuses, click on the Status bar and select an option based on preferences.


2.2.13: To view classrooms based on class type, click on the Class Type and select an option based on preferences.


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