Frequently Asked Question

2.4.1: Student Management
Last Updated 2 years ago First of all, please click on the menu displayed on the upper-left corner of the screen.

image Select the Students menu.

image As usual with previous modules, students can be managed by enrolling them into a centre. The list of students along with their details will be displayed on the screen.

image Students can be sorted and filtered based on the year they joined, the class they are studying in, the semester they are currently enrolled for and their current status. Students can also be searched based on their personal details and information.

image Before new students can be enrolled into the centre, the guardian needs to be registered first. Proceed to the Guardian menu to add a new guardian.

image Click on the “Create” button to insert a new guardian record.

image Click on the IC Input and enter the guardian’s IC. After that, click the “Search” button to check if there are duplicates.

image After that you may proceed with entering the guardian’s personal information. Do remember to define a password for that guardian to allow them to log into the MamaPapa application.

image Return to the Students menu by using the instructions from and Click on the “New Student Enrolment” button.

image You can upload a profile photo and general information about the new student here. However, you are to also share the newly created student's info with his/her guardians for security purposes.

image Search up the guardian’s IC number and select the correct person. Click on the “Select” button to assign the respective guardian to the student.

image After entering all the necessary information as well as assigning a guardian to the student, click “Save” to save all registration records.

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