Frequently Asked Question

2.9: Introduction to Event Module
Last Updated 9 months ago

2.9.1: Users of the Centre Management Portal would have the authority to update the centre's event by using the "Event" module in this application. In conjunction with the update event in CM Portal, that particular event will be updated in both CI App and the MamaPapa application within minutes. You may access the module by clicking on the Event menu in the side menu.

Notes: HQ’s events will automatically be loaded into all apps: CM, CI, and MamaPapa.


2.9.2: This page will display a list of ongoing and upcoming events in order to notify users about their existence and make appropriate preparations.


2.9.3: To search up and look upon specific events, users are able to select specific filters and and enter the events' related keywords.


2.9.4: Users are also able to filter out events based on event statuses and published statuses.


2.9.5: To create a new event, click on the "Create" button.


2.9.6: Fill up details of the event within their respective fields. Specify the date/time, name and description of the event, and decide whether to publish the event by ticking on the Publish checkbox.


2.9.7: Upload a cover photo by clicking within the red box to decorate your event and attract participants to join.


2.9.8: You can send the notification of the event to parents by enabling the notification function by selecting “Yes” in the dropdown menu.


2.9.9: You also can select the date to release the notification by selecting the month and day on the “Date” dropdown menu.


2.9.10: You can customize the notification message that you want to send to parents by typing in the “Message” textbox.


2.9.11: Click “Save” to confirm the creation of a new event, click “Close” to cancel the creation process.


2.9.12: To make changes to existing events that have already been published, click on the “Edit” button located on the left side of every event.


2.9.13: You will be displayed with the “Edit Event” page to edit your event’s details.


2.9.14: After you have made the new changes on existing events, you are able to resend the notification to parents and course instructors. First, go to the “Notification” section. (Only for the events created after Feb 2021)


2.9.15: You can edit the date and message that you want to resend to parents and course instructors.


2.9.16: Click on “Resend” so that the new event’s details will be resend to parents and course instructors after you save the details.


2.9.17: Click “Save” to save the new event’s details, click “Close” to cancel the creation process.

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