2.10.1: First of all, please click on the menu icon displayed on the upper-left corner of the screen.
2.10.2: Select the Guardians menu.
2.10.3: A list of guardians will then be displayed here on the page along with their personal details for reference purposes.
2.10.4: To search for specific guardians based on specific criteria such as IC/Passport, Name, Contact or Email, click on the prepared filters and select the preferred criteria. Enter keywords and click on the "Search" button.
2.10.5: To search or filter results based on the guardian status, click on the drop-down list at Status and select the preferred status.
2.10.6: To create a new guardian, click on the "Create" button.
(Refer to Section 1.4.1: Students Management, Step → Step
2.10.7: Click on the IC Input and enter the guardian’s IC. After that, click on the "Search" button to check if there are any duplicates.
2.10.8: Ensure that the status is set to “Active”. Click on “Save” to confirm the creation of a new guardian record, click on “Close” to cancel the creation process.
2.10.9:After that you may proceed with entering the guardian’s personal information. Do remember to define a password for that guardian to allow them to log into the MamaPapa application.
2.10.10: To modify the details of a guardian, click on the “Edit” button on the left side of the guardian record that you would like to edit.
2.10.11: To view the guardians' children, click on the “Edit” button, scroll down to view “Childs Info”.
2.10.12: Make the required modifications onto the record and once everything is deemed accurate and correct, click on the “Save” button to update the record.
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